The global cost of poor communications is $37B

According to the The Holmes Report, a survey of 400 corporations with 100,000+ employees in the US and UK, poor communicators cost their companies $62.4M each year in lost productivity, while effective communicators generated 47% greater returns for their shareholders.

It’s no secret why: Giving negative feedback, letting someone go, or holding people accountable are difficult conversations for many leaders, and either done poorly or avoided altogether. Negotiations, consultative selling, and problem solving can wildly swing the pendulum of success, yet most leaders do not have the refined skills to have these conversations well.



CUBE is a powerful model for holding challenging conversations successfully

We’ve worked with thousands of leaders and have seen the extraordinary return on improved communication skills. Difficult conversations can be intense and overwhelming — even the best communicators may react poorly in tough situations. But every challenging conversation is also an opportunity to develop trust, establish new agreements, and create progress.

The Saturn C.U.B.E. for Conflict™ is our proprietary model to effectively structure challenging conversations. It is a practical, easy-to-use method that helps leaders avoid the most common mistakes in difficult conversations. It’s also one of the main tools used by our embedded coaches, efficiently addressing the issues impeding individual and team success.


Great leaders follow four essential rules for difficult conversations:

  • Create Context & Objectives;

  • Understand Each Other’s Worlds — Theirs First;

  • Brainstorm Options; and

  • End With Commitments. 

C.U.B.E. It’s a simple mnemonic, but often the most powerful thing we teach our clients.